
This blog, mostly photographs with little text, is a record of another year in the life of our garden. For the derivation of the title 'Insnared with Flowers' (original spelling) click here.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

April Apple Blossom

These apple buds should be open tomorrow. Apple blossom is always the last to bloom, after pear and plum.

Fothergilla's finest moment is when its foliage changes colour in autumn but the catkins, carried on the tips of bare twigs, are quite attractive too.

The flowers of rose-scented Pelargoniums are small -the plant's main attraction is its fragrant foliage.

I grew this Impatiens sodenii, also known as 'poor man's rhododendron, from seed last year and it flowered well in its first year. The books say that it can grow to two metres, so it's now in a much larger pot.

Variegated yellow archangel - the flowers should open next week, alongside the bluebells.


  1. There now, I've learned something new again - not heard of Fothergilla before, its catkins are very pretty. We seem to have a preponderance of Bird Cherry in this area and they make me sneeze. I love the shape and shade of the Impatiens.

  2. Hi Toffeeapple, Fothergilla is a fine shrub for small gardens - slow growing, with fiery colours in autumn


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