
This blog, mostly photographs with little text, is a record of another year in the life of our garden. For the derivation of the title 'Insnared with Flowers' (original spelling) click here.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Solomon's Seal Buds

Solomon's seal buds, held aloft on long stalks, have a serpent-like appearance before they elongate to reveal the bell-like flower buds.

Chaenomeles japonica

The daffodil season is almost over for another year

Dandelions: if they weren't so invasive, gardeners would probably want to cultivate them. You can see here how the stigmas on the outer whorls of flowers have split and curled back on themselves.

Dicentra again - exceptionally attractive when it's backlit with sunshine.

.... and another Epimedium...

The cool green flowers of Euphorbia characias...

.... and the elegant curves of an unfurling Hosta leaf


  1. You take very nice photos. I received Solomon's Seal from a friend last year, and they are coming up again this spring. I really like that plant.

  2. Thanks Sage Butterfly. My Solomon's seal has been growing in the same spot for about a decade, spreading a little further every year. It's often partially defoliated by Solomon's seal sawfly, but that doesn't seem to be much of a setback for it....

  3. Gorgeous shots again Phil, I particularly like the Dandelion.

  4. There are some magnificent displays of dandelions along the road verges up here at the moment, Toffeeapple..


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